

‘R-S’ Nicotine is distributed under two brands, “Pharmanic” and “TFN”.

TFN & Pharmanic

‘R-S’ Nicotine manufacturer, “NGL” (Next Generation Laps) registered two trademarks, that is, “TFN” (Tobacco-free Nicotine) for e-cigarette markets and “Pharmanic” for pharmaceutical markets in order for entering into both kinds of markets at the same time.

This company has many kinds of plans for launching many diversified products, such as, some e-liquids, gums and candies as industrial products, some patches, power products as quasi-drugs and treating medicines for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s one, ADHD and Tourette Syndrome, etc.

However, for the Korean market, this company decided to use “Pharmanic” brand even for e-liquids for publicizing the brand.

List of Companies using TFN & Pharmanic